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How Do I Get Crystal Reports XI to Display more Dynamic Parameter Values?

A number of clients have recently been asking, when creating dynamic parameters in Crystal Reports XI, "How do I display more than the first 1000 values?"


By default Crystal Report has set the maximum number of rows for its dynamic parameter list of values (LOV) to 1000.

The only way to increase this value is to change the registry settings

To change the registry settings:

  1. From the start button, select the Run option
  2. Enter the text Regedit
  3. In the Registry Editor, Expand the Software folder
  4. Find the Business Objects folder, and expand it
  5. Within the expand the Suite folder and locate the Crystal Reports folder
  6. Select  the Crystal Reports folder
  7. From the Edit menu select New > Key
  8. Name the Key: DatabaseOptions
  9. Select the DatabaseOptions key folder
  10. From the Edit menu select New > Key
  11. Name the new Key LOV
  12. Select the LOV key folder
  13. From the Edit menu select New > String Value
  14. Enter the text: MaxRowSetRecords
  15. Right click on the MaxRowSetRecords string value
  16. Select the Modify option
  17. In the Value data text box, enter the required new value
  18. Press the OK button

If you have any questions, leave us a comment below, or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to Contact Us


do i need to do these changes at client end also

Martin Halford

I am using CR version but when I look in the registry of the server on which it is intalled there is no HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects key.

If I create it and add Suite 11.5\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions\LOV with a string value "MaxRowsetRecords" of 2000 it makes no difference at all. Still only up to the 1000th record in my parameter dropdown list. What am I doing wrong?


Hi Martin,

Assuming that you have followed the instructions, it should work.

Is the parameter a cascade or a single one?

If its a casacde the lowest/last parameter will be the one that has 2000 values not the first one.

So you may have to input a higher value to bring back all the values for all the parameters of the cascade.



Peter Andrews

Hi..I tried this and I still do not get the full list of items. Sage 300 ERP. I have 30,000 items. I get the full list w/o parameters. I am trying to write a custom label report. So client needs to select items numbers to print labels. Thanks


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