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How Do I Plot a Target Value on a Chart in Crystal Reports?

Over the last month I have been asked a number of times how do I plot a target value on a chart in Crystal Reports.


There are 3 ways one can plot a target value in Crystal Reports, by using a:
  1. Database field
  2. Fixed (constant) value, or
  3. Parameter field

The first option is staightforward, as all on has to do is add the required database field to Show Values section

With regards to using a fixed value or a parameter field:
  1. Create a new formula field
  2. Either
    • Enter the value to be plotted, or
    • Add the parameter field
  3. Save and Close
  4. Add the formula field to the Show Values section of the chart

If you have any questions, leave us a comment below, or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to Contact Us


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