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How Do I Display the Field Headings on all pages of the SQL Reporting Services 2008 Tablix?

During a number of recent training courses I was asked the question "How do I get the tablix column headings to repeat on all the pages in SQL Server Reporting Services 2008?"


There is a bit of an issue, when reports are designed using Tablix report items, in SQL Server Reporting Services 2008, that even when the option in Tablix Properties – Repeat Header Rows on each page is selected, when the report runs it only displays the field headings on the first page.

SSRS 2008 Tablix Properties dialog box

As a work around:
  1. In the Grouping panel, click on the arrow
  2. Select Advanced Mode option (This displays all the static groups of the report)
  3. From the View ribbon, select Properties.
  4. In the Row Groups section click on the Static group
  5. In the Properties, find the RepeatOnNewPage Property for the group
  6. Change the Value to True

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