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How Do I Change the Database and/or the Table the Report is based on in Crystal Reports 2008?

Over the last couple of weeks I have had a number of clients asking me how they can change the datasource and/or the table that the report is based on without have to start designing the report from scratch, in Crystal Reports 2008.


All versions of Crystal Reports, from version 7.0 to the current version 2011, has a feature that allows designers to change the current datasource and/or table of a report for another.

To replace report datasources and/or tables:

  1. From the Database menu select the Set Datasource Location... option

    This activates the Set Datasource Location dialog box:

    Set Datasource Location dialog box

  2. Select the current datasource/table

  3. Select the replacement datasource/table

  4. Press the Update button

  5. Press the Close button when completed

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