Crystal Reports & SQL Reporting Services Training Consultants
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Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth
Pema Chodron
Institute of IT Trainers - Freelance Trainer of the Year 2006 & 2009
Liverpool Business Connect Member
  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
Reporting Solutions - Creating Answers, Crystal Reports, Dashboarding (Xcelsius) & SQL Reporting Services

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How Do I Display a Block Address on One Line in Crystal Reports?

The Issue:

The data for an address field within the database is entered as a block:

234 High Street
SE34 7GH
, which when displayed in Crystal Reports, increased the details section, making the report bigger than it needed to be.

The Solution:

To save space on the report, the field needed to be displayed on one line, by replacing the line returns with a space.

To do this we used the REPLACE function:

REPLACE(REPLACE({Tablename.Fieldname}, CHR(13)," "), CHR(10),",")

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