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A handy tip to copying your Crystal Reports Crosstab values to Microsoft Excel

One of the most common questions I get asked is how do I export reports to Microsoft Excel?

The reason for this is that depending on how the report has been designed in Crystal Reports, how many issues will be created on the export.

This is even more so when exporting a cross tab.

So I spent some time over the weekend having a look at this, and I stumbled across a little trick, that may make exporting Crystal Reports cross tabs into Excel a little easier.

Instead of Exporting the report to MS Excel, simply copy and paste it:

  1. Launch Crystal Reports
  2. Open the report
  3. Run the report
  4. In the Print Preview view, right click in the top left hand corner of the cross tab
  5. Select Copy
  6. Switch to Microsoft Excel
  7. Right click in cell A1
  8. Select Paste
  9. The data from the Crystal Reports cross tab should be copied into MS Excel

Note: This was done with Crystal Reports v11

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