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How Do I Create a Weekly Grouped Report in Crystal Reports 2016?

The main issue with creating weekly grouped reports with Crystal Reports, is that by default the application has always been set up with the working week starting on Sunday..

This obviously poses a problem for organisations/businesses whose working week does not start on Sunday, as currently Crystal Reports Grouping function does not give the option of defining an alternative starting of week day.


  1. Create the report as per usual

  2. Create a New formula:

  3. Name: WeeklyGroup

  4. Formula:  {Tablename.Fieldname} - DayOfWeek( {Tablename.Fieldname}, WeekStartDay) - 1

    Where WeekStartDay = crSunday, crMonday, crTuesday, crWednesday, crThursday, crFriday, crSaturday

  5. Create a New Group

  6. In the Insert Group Dialog:

  7. Group By: WeeklyGroup
  8. In Ascending Order
  9. Section will be Printed: For Each Day

  10. Press the OK button

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