As this coronavirus pandemic carries on the government has used various methods, data analysis and statistics to justify its handling of the virus, which includes:
- Total Lockdown
- Social Distancing
- Hand Sanitiser
- Testing
- Test and Trace
- Mask wearing
- Curfews,
- Pub and Restaurant closures at 10pm, and
- Tier level lockdowns
But unfortunately, you just can't keep a good virus down!
I mean this is cold and flu virus season, so why should Covid be any different?
As some one who gets really excited by a good data set to play around with and analyse with different business intelligence tools, I've been having a lot of fun over the last few months, but one thing I have had a hard time getting to grips with is the data that the government presents in order to justify their draconian decisions.
None of it make sense.
Then I got this little tit-bit in my twitter feed, which was supposed to make things a little clearer....
So a few observations
This must be the only organisation, in the UK, possibly in the world, whose start of the reporting week is Thursday!
Why would you break the week up in that way?
Why would someone be tested twice on the same day in Pillars 1 and Pillars 2 on the same day?
And why is Pillar 2 given precedent over Pillar 1?
If one tested positive one week, why would one go for another test the following week?